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Demonstration State Forests

14 forests. 84,000 acres. Teaching us how to care for California’s timberlands.

California’s forests are iconic. From the coastal redwoods, to the high sierra conifers, and giant sequoia’s, these forests help define our state. Learning how to care for these treasures for the people of California is why the Demonstration State Forests exist. These forests represent the most common forest types in California and serve as a living laboratory for how to care for California’s timberlands. The forests produce multiple benefits: wood products and timber production, recreation, watershed protection and habitat restoration.

What is being demonstrated?
The Demonstration State Forests highlight an effective way to balance the harvesting and growth of forests over a century, thereby promoting sustainability. On a smaller scale, these same sites are being used as testing grounds for new watershed restoration methods and scientific research that enables us all to gain insight into forest ecosystems and management. By utilizing what’s learned here we can ensure our forests stay healthy for years to come!

Why do these forests matter?
Demonstration State Forests offer a special opportunity to conduct research on different forest management practices – providing key knowledge that can be used by the forestry industry. Not only do these forests matter for government-owned areas, but their findings are essential in informing private owners of California’s 40% privately owned forest land across the state.

Source: Fire
